๐ŸชƒGas Saving Tutorial 27: Efficient Boolean Comparison

Introduction: In smart contract development, every bit of gas saved is crucial, especially for functions that get called frequently. One common micro-optimization that often goes unnoticed is how boolean values are compared. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to make your boolean comparisons more gas-efficient in Solidity.

Concept: Booleans inherently represent true or false. Comparing them directly to true or false is redundant and slightly gas inefficient. Rather than using if (booleanValue == true), you can simply use if (booleanValue). For false checks, instead of if (booleanValue == false), if (!booleanValue) can be used.

Benefits include:

  1. Gas Efficiency: Avoiding the direct comparison conserves some gas as fewer opcodes are executed in the EVM.

  2. Code Clarity: Directly using the boolean value usually results in more readable and concise code.


Given the code snippet in a governance system:

solidityCopy codefunction voteOnProposal(uint256 proposalId)
        hasVoted[msg.sender][proposalId] == false, //@audit gas: instead of comparing to a constant, just use "hasVoted[msg.sender][proposalId]"
        "Voter has already voted on this proposal!"

The optimized boolean comparison would be:

solidityCopy codefunction voteOnProposal(uint256 proposalId)
        !hasVoted[msg.sender][proposalId], // Simply negate the boolean value for a false check
        "Voter has already voted on this proposal!"


  1. Examine your contracts for boolean comparisons using == true or == false.

  2. Replace these direct comparisons with the efficient boolean evaluations.

  3. Test to make sure the logic remains consistent and the behavior is as intended.


Though the savings from boolean comparison optimizations might seem minute, they add up to provide a more gas-efficient and cleaner codebase. In projects with a multitude of such comparisons, the aggregated savings over numerous transactions can be significant. Always aim for efficient, clean code that accomplishes the same objective with fewer operations.

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