🏔️PlonK: Frozen Heart
Related Vulnerabilities: 6. Frozen Heart
Identified By: TrailOfBits Team
Please see 8. Bulletproofs: Frozen Heart for a more in-depth background.
Due to some ambiguity in the PlonK paper regarding Fiat-Shamir transformations, a few production implementations did not handle it correctly. The Fiat-Shamir transformation requires all public inputs to be included in the hash. However, some implementations did not properly include all of these public inputs. This allowed malicious provers to forge proofs to different extents, depending on the rest of the implementation details.
The PlonK protocol is originally described as an interactive proof protocol between the prover and verifier. However, the paper provides some details on how to make it a non-interactive proof protocol. The paper outlines details on implementing the Fiat-Shamir transformation to make the protocol non-interactive, but it still lacks clarity on what inputs exactly are needed to make it secure.
The Vulnerability
Multiple implementations had a frozen heart vulnerability due to their implementation of the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Each implementation had missing public inputs to the hash for the Fiat-Shamir transformation, and thus gave more freedom to the prover when constructing proofs. With this increased freedom, a malicious prover could then forge a proof. The extent of the forgery depends on the rest of the implementation details and so it varied for the different implementations affected by this vulnerability. For more exact details about this vulnerability, please see the TrailOfBits’ explanation in the references section.
The Fix
The fix for these vulnerabilities differs for each implementation affected, but it generally includes a fix to the Fiat-Shamir transformation. The fix involves ensuring that all public inputs are included in the hash so that the prover does not have the freedom needed to forge a proof.
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