💡Beacon Proxies

In the vast ocean of smart contract development, Ethereum’s immutability often stands as both a pillar of security and a barrier to adaptability. Proxies offer a beacon of hope in this regard, and among them, the Beacon Proxy pattern has started to shine brightly. In this article, we’ll navigate through the world of Beacon Proxies, shedding light on their design, function, and significance in the Ethereum landscape.

1. What is a Beacon Proxy?

A Beacon Proxy is an upgradeable smart contract pattern where the proxy contract, rather than pointing to a fixed logic contract, points to a beacon. This beacon, in turn, holds a reference to the logic contract. The distinguishing feature here is the introduction of this intermediary - the beacon - which determines which logic contract the proxy should delegate calls to.

2. Diving Deep: How Do Beacon Proxies Work?

The Beacon Proxy mechanism revolves around three core entities:

  • The Proxy Contract: Retains the state (balances, storage, etc.) but does not hold significant business logic. Upon receiving a call, it consults the beacon to determine which logic contract should execute the call, then delegates this call to that logic contract.

  • The Beacon: A separate contract that stores the address of the current logic contract. When queried by the proxy, it provides the address to which the call should be delegated.

  • The Logic (or Implementation) Contract: Houses the actual business functionality of the application. Over time, multiple versions of logic contracts might be developed and deployed.

The delegation still leverages the EVM’s DELEGATECALL opcode, similar to other proxy patterns. The proxy asks the beacon for the logic contract's address and then uses DELEGATECALL to execute the function within the context of the proxy.

3. Why Sail with Beacon Proxies?

a. Centralized Upgrades for Multiple Proxies: If multiple proxy contracts use the same beacon, upgrading the logic contract for all these proxies can be achieved by simply updating the beacon. This streamlines mass upgrades.

b. Gas Efficiency: By decoupling upgrade logic and providing a consistent reference point (the beacon), certain operations can be more gas-efficient.

c. Enhanced Control over Upgrades: The beacon can be designed to have advanced logic, like time-locked upgrades or multi-signature requirements, enhancing security.

d. Modular Architecture: The separation of concerns – state, upgrade logic, and business logic – leads to a clean, modular design.

4. Charting the Waters: Key Considerations

  • Storage Layout: Just like other proxy patterns, consistent storage layout is paramount. Any misalignment can lead to corrupted state.

  • Beacon Security: As the lighthouse of logic contracts, the beacon becomes a critical security point. Rigorous testing, access controls, and safeguards are essential to prevent malicious upgrades.

5. Beacon Proxies in Action

Many decentralized platforms are considering or have adopted beacon proxies to manage smart contract upgrades without disrupting their user base. The beacon model, with its centralized upgrade path, holds particular promise for platforms with multiple interconnected contracts or dApps.


The Beacon Proxy pattern offers a beacon of flexibility in the world of Ethereum's immutable contracts. By understanding its mechanics and potential, developers can more confidently venture into the dynamic waters of upgradable decentralized applications.

Last updated